Trimble Backhoe/Excavator


  • Robust and reliable solutions maximise uptime
  • Supports real time sonar inputs providing as-building capability
  • Continuous data logging for as-builting and volume reports
  • Bucket tolerance visualisation provides guidance for accurate, efficient dredging productivity
  • Administrator can configure the screens for a specific workflow/user and lock it down for the operator
  • Diking mode facilitates material placement operations
  • RTK can be used for precise tide and heave measurement
  • Create machine or vessel shapes or import models from CAD software including SketchUp® 3D modeling tool


Efficient dredging

Trimble Marine Construction software for excavator dredger applications is a powerful tool to help dredge operators improve productivity and efficiency. The operator and tug captain have a real time overview of the excavator and barge in plan and profile views. Displays include the outline of the excavator body, boom, stick and bucket as well as the barge in real time against the surveyed and design surfaces.

Real-time visualization and monitoring

Using the software, the position of the bucket relative to design is constantly tracked and displayed. A color-coded Digital Terrain Model (DTM) highlights the high and low spots relative to design. The DTM is updated in real time from the position of the bucket teeth and the bucket width to track the progress of the dredging work. The update is immediately visible in the plan and profile views. 3D design capabilities and functionalities support the use of complex designs.

Customizable interface

Multiple monitors with independent layouts can be tailored to the needs of the dredge operator. The surface Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is updated in real time registering the progress of the dredging work showing depth, differential and production models all updated according to progress of the bucket.

Cumulative production calculation

This calculation and reporting feature helps monitor progress so your operators can focus on the task at hand and allow the software to report progress by runline, operator or job. This also makes it easy for project managers who are remote to see accurate progress.

Tool support

The software supports a range of excavator tools, including standard bucket configurations, clamshell, multi-tine and articulated buckets.



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